Frontend integration

Integrate Mooni into your app

Mooni is the off-ramping solution for the DeFi ecosystem, which can enable users of your dApp to cash out the cryptocurrencies they earn directly into their bank account.

Our widget SDK is a super simple solution to integrate Mooni into your already existing application. The widget can either appear as a modal on top of an app, or included inside an HTML element. If the hosting app already has a connected user with web3, this wallet can be forwarded to the widget.

๐Ÿ“บ Example integration

Check our live integration example (code)

๐ŸŽ Quick start


yarn add @mooni/widget

Start widget

// Import package 
import MooniWidget from '@mooni/widget';

// Instanciate the widget 
const mooni = new MooniWidget(); 

// Open the widget as a modal when you want it;

Thatโ€™s it ๐Ÿฅ‚ !

๐ŸŽ› API Reference


constructor(opts: MooniWidgetOptions)  


Open widget

open(): void  

Opens Mooni as a widget.

Set Ethereum provider

setEthereum(ethereum?: EthereumProvider): void  

Set an Ethereum provider. Call this method when your users log in with their wallet. They will become automatically logged in Mooni.


containerElement?: HTMLElement  

Include Mooni inside of an HTML element on your website if you donโ€™t want to use modal mode.

ethereum?: EthereumProvider  

A standard JSON-RPC provider. This is useful if the hosting app already authenticated the web3 wallet of the user, so he doesnโ€™t have to login again on Mooni.

token?: string  

Automatically select a token to sell in Mooni. Must be an ERC20 contract address. Default is ETH.

referralId?: string  

Sets a referral account. All orders passed with this referral ID through the widget will share profit. You can find your referral ID on your Account page.

Additional information

Import on different module systems

  • ES6

import MooniWidget from '@mooni/widget';

  • CommonJS

const MooniWidget = require('@mooni/widget');

  • UMD

  /* available as MooniWidget */  
</script> ```   
## ๐Ÿ’ป Development  
``` # Install dependencies yarn    
 # Build package yarn build    
 # Publish package npm publish ```

Last updated